Gallery Walk 2-15-20: Michael Rakowitz at Jane Lombard; Noah Davis at David Zwirner

michael rakowitz at jane lombard
•    apkallu
•    wall text on floor. cool.
•    “it will be very hard to make it like it was.”
•    it had formed clots on the cots
•    the ballad of special ols cldy! amazing
•    cut on the neck
•    this gi thing is amazing story doll mass
•    “a dead detainee, a dead iraqi”
•    []
5:23 zwirner
•    marlene dumas fairfield porter luc tuymans
•    HOLY. SHIT. noah… ? i love it.
•    noah davis
•    this, the two facing off in the first room. makes me want to paint again
•    the blocky shadow. scumbling.
•    dark violet night sky
•    impressionist blues
•    dwayne wade (earlier today and now)
•    fka cellophane (not first)
•    i love these gold leaf ones
•    no mouthed mother!! his kines are incredible. almost like.