7-28-20 – 8-1-20

7-28-20 – 8-1-20


On the 27th went on the hike with []s and his parents oh also []. Ummm. Beautiful. On the 29th went thrifting. I think [] left? On 31st we went to some stores on the strip. On August first went to big antique thing. [] and I successfully made pork. So we must have failed the day beforehand. Bought a giant mirror. We must have restarted Haunting of Hill house the day they left. We continued, and watched…. night of? the day after. On the fourth we were home; [] was on the floor putting together his new computer. I got a call back for Primary Information; was assembling clips. [] was excited thinking Letiticia Jones would be VP but no.” I think on the 29th we went out to eat. At Mark-o’s. By the hallway. Ah they left on the 30th. I think midday.]