27 – The Brothers

In search for brothers

D.I.E NOW (Dance International Europe Now)

“I just wanted to attract attention”.[5]

“for anybody’s eyes. any eyes will do.”

Burn shine fly

because one can always push it off, a thousand and one nights style, argue that it’s not done, it’s not there, I’m not dead.

This Machine Kills Secrets

in depressions, and along streamside bluffs,

Calyx: Sepals three, valvate in bud, ovate, acuminate, pale green, downy

are not the first to colonize a disturbed site,

no healthy upstream

Leaning forward helps turn the lights on. Sigh.

the now-demolished amphitheater or the wintering fern or the swan looking down the drain.
I’m down to be moved. I’m a dancer.
sincerity is punk.

ceases to be about anything, when it even stops saving things, stops being such a collector, it becomes an invite

the impossible moment of being alive


picture people, nature, the street,
“paying attention as a practice of being alive,”

quiet moments and humdrum things.

insect parts, a restaurant napkin, or a plastic bag.

Welcome to the website of a man who wears more than one hat.

“boxed” isolation (the ‘treacherous turn”)